Accounting / Bookkeeping

Each month or quarter we can do the following for you:
  • Reconciliation Bank Statements and Credit Card Statements
  • Generate an Income Statement
  • Generate a Balance Sheet
  • Clean up General Ledger
Monthly Bank and Credit Card Reconciliation Benefits:
  • Know how your business is doing. Once the bank/credit card statements are reconciled and properly accounted for on your financial statement, you will know your business profitability.
  • Identify lost checks, deposits, and unauthorized wire transactions.
  • Protect yourself. By promptly reconciling you can tell your bank about any unauthorized, fraudulent, or forged checks to stop the activity immediately.
  • Detect and prevent excessive bank charges and ensure transactions are posted correctly by your bank.
  • Detect and prevent embezzlement of funds from within your company.
  • Less work for you—more time to concentrate on growing your business.
Monthly Income Statement (Profit & Loss Statement) Benefits:
  • Tracks revenues and expenses so you can determine operating performance.
  • Determine the areas of your business that are over or under budget.
  • Identify transactions that are not in the normal range.
  • Determine your income tax liability before the end of the year.
Monthly Balance Sheet Benefits:
  • Shows the financial strength and capabilities of your business.
  • Analyze trends in Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable.
  • Determine if your business is able to expand.
Monthly General Ledger Benefits:
  • The general ledger is the core of your companies’ financial records. We will go through it and make sure that all of your transactions are accurate, so you have the benefit of a clean company financial record.